We went up to
Rockport to go camping and boating. It was so much fun.

I couldn't believe how fearless my kids are. Their
favorite thing to in between people tubing or skiing was to stop the boat, jump of and swim. I thought they would be a little scared being in the lake without holding on to Nate or I, but they were not at all. As soon as the boat would stop,
Mckenna would just jump off and start swimming.

It was so hot at camp.
Mckenna got smart and we were looking for her to eat. She
grabbed her plate and chair and headed for shade. Smart girl!!

Sage loved learning to knee board, he also loved the tube. Maybe next year he will be up skiing.

Nate's parents came with us. It was so much fun. Lorna made the best meals and it was so nice to have help with the kids. Besides boating our favorite part was talking and laughing by the camp fire at night. The sky was amazing at night, we loved looking up at the stars.

Aspens favorite part was running to the "drinking fountain" and getting soaking wet. It helped her stay nice and cool.