Christmas was a bit different this year. Nate had to work so we celebrated it on the 26Th. We hid the toys from Santa on the 25Th, and laid them out the next morning. The kids probably loved it more this year because the anticipation was endless. It was a hard Christmas for me. It was really lonely having Nate at work. And to top it off my family party on my side was cancelled. Every year my siblings and Aunts and Cousins come together and have a party on Christmas. Well there was a terrible snow storm and nobody went anywhere. So the kids and I stayed home all day with no presents to open and waited until Nate came home. The kids couldn't sleep and were so excited for Santa to come. They had a great Christmas despite all the disappointments I felt. It took me almost a full year to post this because of how depressing I felt. Being pregnant and sick never makes any Holiday fun. There was not one picture taken of me because that's how crappy I felt. I wish I would have had just one.