Its official. We moved! After being in Taylorsville for ten years, it is time to move on. We will miss our white house. I don't know if I will ever love a house as much as that one. I will miss the fun swing sets and tramp in the back. I will miss my long porch and my beautiful plants and flowers. We put a lot of work into that house. We are hoping to rent it out. We will keep it as an investment and who knows, we could move back someday. I will miss my friends and our wonderful ward. We have such great memories. I loved being so close to the library, pool, and park. But we had felt for quite awhile that we needed to move for our kids. Sage really didn't have any friends and it was really starting to get hard on him.
Everything happened really quickly. We have been very blessed. My cousin Savannah knew we wanted to move. But houses are not selling in this market. She told me that I should come take her job up at Highland Pointe. At first I thought it sounded crazy. I have always stayed at home with my kids, so why would I go work if I didn't really need to? Well, my first reaction was "no way". But I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I called and talked to her boss. She said she would get back to me. I thought that was the end of it. Two weeks later she called and said the job was mine. No interview, resume or anything. I told her I needed the weekend to think about it. I fasted and prayed like crazy. One night I went to open my scriptures and it just happened to open to D&C 111. The whole section was relating to my situation. It talked about moving to a new city and not worrying about anything and how blessings were awaiting and you can get to the new city by way of being hired. Well that was a direct answer to me. So we started packing up and moved. Sadly, I got in a bad car accident with all of the kids. So my sweet sister flied out and my mom, sisters, and aunts, and in laws moved us. We have been so blessed. I couldn't believe I really did it. Packed up and moved to a new place. But it has been the best thing ever for our family. I remember laying in my house thinking, "I will be so scared not to do this because I would never know what could be out there waiting for me." And that is exactly it. I have grown so much and learned so much about faith. I have loved being here and my kids are in heaven. They have the best school and teachers and have more friends than they know what to do with. I am so grateful!!