I can not believe Nate and I have been married for ten years. Its crazy to think about how fast it went by. We have created so many memories, and have four children. To think that ten years ago I was just nineteen, getting ready to start a whole new life. I have done a lot of reflecting back to that day so many years ago. We were married, went on a honeymoon and then started our new life. I remember so clearly having our babies and all those "first" new experiences. Our first new home, my first delivery, first new baby, first new car, first family vacation, first new ward. Experiencing all the changes in life. Trips to the hospital when I have been in labor or kids needing stitches. The good times and the hard times. All of it shaping who we are today and our love for each other. So profound and woven together by all of the trials, tears, laughter and happiness we have experienced together. Its amazing to look back and see where we have been. And to imagine that we still have so many more things to come. I look forward to the future with a husband who is always by my side, supporting me and loving me unconditionally. To think that it all started one night at a dance. I asked him to dance. I was only seventeen then. To know that one dance would lead to a life with someone so special, and someone who I would create so much with is pretty amazing and indescribable. I love our story, our lives, and our children. Specific just to us. Something only we know and share. This was a wonderful anniversary for me.

To think, it started ten years ago. Just us. Nate and I. And now we are a family of six.

Nate had to work on our actual anniversary. Even though we celebrated it the weekend before, I really wanted to make it special for him. I planned a really nice dinner. With candle light and everything. I explained to the kids that it was an extra special occasion. And that if they wanted to be invited to the dinner, they had to be on their best behavior. It was as if we were eating at a really nice restaurant. They were thrilled beyond measure that they were included in this wonderful date. As my plans were progressing in my head, I had a wonderful idea. I wanted to get in my wedding dress and surprise Nate. I was not expecting to fit into it. I did, so that of course mad me very happy. The girls were heaven. Seeing mom all dressed up. They ran and got in the flower girl dresses they had worn for my cousins wedding. When Nate got home, it was perfect. He walked through the door and saw me standing there in my dress. I was not expecting the emotions that suddenly ran through me. I got very emotional. He just stared at me. He said he was not expecting to come home to anything special. And was very caught of guard, in a good way. We ate our dinner in the candle light. It was so incredible. There was a silence as we ate for a bit. It was as if we were all taking in the magnitude of how amazing that exact day was ten years ago. All that it meant then and what has become of it. After dinner I told Nate to stay where he was. I turned on the song we danced to on our wedding night. Faith Hill and Tim McGraws "Its your love". The kids sat so quietly watching. They were memorized. It was so indescribable having us all there. It was so perfect to me. I remember so clearly the night we met, and the day we were married. There is a look in Nates eye that I often see. I saw it when I met him, married him, and still see it today. Its like I can see through him and know he is home to me. Such a great anniversary. We have been through so much together and it seems there is a magnetic force that pulls us to each other. I love him. I loved having the kids with us to celebrate such a special event.

Ten years baby, eternity to go.

Nate did a great job at planning our getaway. He had everything planned as a surprise. I was very impressed. He had everything arranged with his family to watch kids and carpools to be driven. Down to every last detail. Friday morning he told me to pack my bags and pack something warm. I have been wanting to go skiing SO badly. He took me to get skiing at Powder Mountain. Then we went straight to my favorite place. The Alaskan Inn. We got cleaned up and went to dinner at Maddox. We had never been there and he wanted to surprise me and take me somewhere new. It was SO much fun.

In the lobby of the Alaskan Inn.

I really liked this wooden picture because it says that these bird mate for life. So I am being Vanna White.
KATIE! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful Anniversary with Nate! You two definitely deserve it:] I love you!
Such a gorgeous family! We should set up a time to get together now that we are back in Utah.
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